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Writing A Cause And Effect Essay On Music: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

In a cause and effect paper you must use your skills to show that one thing leads to another, for instance a rise in the price of oil leads to a rise in grocery prices because of a rise in transport costs.

In many cases there is more than one initiating incident that leads in a chain to the eventual ending so you may have to limit your research to the main sources of conflict i.e. the Civil War was not just about ending slavery. Limit your paper to contain just two or three root sources.

In the course of your research you may end up surprised about the actual origin of your issue.

Structuring your work

The easiest method of organization generally can be divided into five sections, which may or may not be five paragraphs.

  1. Introductory section. Here you may include general background to the issue in question and offer up a few issues and gradually narrow it down to the issue that you intend to focus on in your work.

  2. Normally in this second section you would introduce the evidence in support of your argument. Here you describe your initiating incidents; you might find that separating each motivator into individual paragraphs would make it more clear for the reader.

  3. Here in this third section you need to discuss the effect in some depth starting with general ideas and moving on to the specifics that interested you in the issue in the first place.

  4. This fourth section is an analysis of origin to consequence. Again for the purposes of clarity you may wish to separate out how the different beginnings end up at the same result. Here you may also discuss how the collective stimuli are cumulative in forcing the end product.

  5. In the final section you are expected to sum up the work. Not just to retell the evidence as you might in regular work, but also here is the place to include a call to action as you explain how this issue affects the reader.

Possible subjects

  1. Results of rap songs on violence
  2. Setting a mood
  3. Use of background songs in shops
  4. Mathematics and music
  5. Problems of downloading media on the industry
  6. Music therapy
  7. Music and civilization
  8. Helping the process of healing
  9. Social functions
  10. Is it possible to have too much music?

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